ISCRIVITI (leggi qui)
Pubbl. Lun, 10 Ago 2015

Final grade: the lowest final grade to take part in competitive state examinations no longer exists

Mariaconcetta Sessa

In accordance with Italian Legislative Decree n. 82 of 7 March 2005, Madia’s bill delegating the Government to amend and complete the Digital Administration Code, also provides for an abolition of the lowest final grade to take part in competitive state examinations.

Recently, the Chamber of Deputies has been engaged in debates concerning Madia’s bill (Chamber Act n. 3098), in other words, it is in regards to the bill which has already been approved by Senate (S. 1577) and it is recognized as “Delegations to the Government relating to the reorganization of public administration.” Latest news concerns the approval of a special amendment that will surely upset the world of competitive state examinations. In article 13 of the above-mentioned bill, after point b, the following point b-bis is added: “abolition of the lowest final grade to take part in competitive state examinations in order to enter jobs in public administration.” Therefore, in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree n. 82 of 7 March 2005, the Parliament delegates the Government to amend the Digital Administration Code, so that the future competitive state examinations no longer have those limits. Until now, they were accused of constitutional illegitimacy and prevented graduates who got a lower final grade than fixed in the announcement from entering a competitive state examination. 

Recently, the Chamber of Deputies has been engaged in debates concerning Madia’s bill (Chamber Act n. 3098), in other words, it is in regards to the bill which has already been approved by Senate (S. 1577) and it is recognized as “Delegations to the Government relating to the reorganization of public administration.”
Latest news concerns the approval of a special amendment that will surely upset the world of competitive state examinations. In article 13 of the above-mentioned bill, after point b, the following point b-bis is added: “abolition of the lowest final grade to take part in competitive state examinations in order to enter jobs in public administration.”
Therefore, in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree n. 82 of 7 March 2005, the Parliament delegates the Government to amend the Digital Administration Code, so that the future competitive state examinations no longer have those limits. Until now, they were accused of constitutional illegitimacy and prevented graduates who got a lower final grade than fixed in the announcement from entering a competitive state examination.