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Pubbl. Sab, 20 Feb 2016

Guidelines to become an Italian Animal Law Police Guard.

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Sonia Della Sala

Turn your passion for animals into a full-time job is possible. Here beneath,it is illustrated how to become an Italian Animal Law Police Officer.

In Italy, the Animal Law Police Agency operate throughout the country preventing and repressing crimes against animals. They can act by means of sanctioning  on administrative offences related to animal detention not conformed to the parameters established by Italian law.

Every  year, individual nucleus or provincial sections of the E.N.P.A. (National Animal Protection Agency) organize courses to become an Animal Law Police Guard. For the entry to the relevant course, one must be an E.N.P.A. member. Subscription to the National Agency is only possible through  payment of a membership fee. The fee amount depends mostly on the "title" one is wishing to join. To give an example: for the year 2016, if someone wants to gain the "youth member" qualification, there is a fee of EUR 3.00 and a form to be filled in with personal data.

To be enrolled, the candidate must be in possession of the following specific requirements:

1) must be in possession of the requirements of the Consolidation Act of Public Safety (TULPS) regarding the regulation of "Special Security Guards" related category;

2) must not be in possession of hunting and/or fishing licenses;

3) must not be engaged in any activities detrimental to animals.

The course is held by professors in regard to know-how in environmental and veterinary jurisdiction. Usually, the duration of the course is variable, but it does not exceed  more than fifty hours. The end of the course is concluded by a final exam. Once the examination has been passed, the candidate will  be awarded with the title of Animal Law enforcement Police Guard . Appointed by decree of the prefect, the Animal Law Police Guards assume the status of Official and Judicial police agents.

The national service E.N.P.A. points out that, prior to the acquisition of the license, the candidate must have worked as an active volunteer in an E.N.P.A. section or, in any case, "must be able to document a prolonged social activity in favour of animals for moreover than at least two years".  


Form of entry: www.comunicazionesviluppoenpa.org.

More info: www.ggzz.it and provincial Sections E.N.P.A.