Motore di Ricerca

Ricerca per parole nella frase clicca qui.
Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, les réseaux sociaux sont utiles aux cabinets juridiques?

Concentration, mondialisation, spécialisation et révolution technologique ont complètement modifié l’industrie des services juridiques, en soulignant le rôle des stratégies de marketing et de communication comme des facteurs indispensables dans toute...

Autore(i): Mario La Mura Pubblicazione: Mar, 7 Feb 2017

Law firms increasingly “digital” and “cloud”

Innovation and COMMUNICATION, for any organization, profit and no profit, PMI or Big Company, are two fundamental assets in terms of consensus and reputation, and two valuable tools of costs rationalization....

Autore(i): Alexandra Ivan Pubblicazione: Dom, 18 Dic 2016

The problematics of linking to contents protected by copyright in the C-160/15 CGUE sentence.

The Court affirms the communication notion range to the relevant public, revealing the relation with the hypertextual connections that links to contents protected by copyright....

Autore(i): Debora Colangelo Pubblicazione: Sab, 17 Dic 2016

Legal Studies and COMMUNICATION: no more talking about Litigation Pr but also Brand Reputation

The communication meaning as essential point for the right location, for the administration of relationships and for the safeguard of the reputation, represents a key weapon to succeed in be perceived in the right way, also for Legal Studies, infusin...

Autore(i): Martina Pavarese Pubblicazione: Dom, 16 Ott 2016

Copyright and authors’ rights: the new regulations by AGCOM

New regulations concerning copyright and authors’ rights on the Internet were introduced by AGCOM, the Italian Authority for COMMUNICATIONs Guarantees....

Autore(i): Paola Labib Pubblicazione: Gio, 14 Apr 2016